No more crooked teeth. TAKE OUR INVISALIGN ASSESSMENT TO FIND OUT IF INVISALIGN® TREATMENT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. Invisalign Assessment 1/5 Are you: (Select One) Teen Parent Adult 2/5 Select the image below that best demonstrates your teeth crowding. MILD CROWDING MODERATE CROWDING SEVERE CROWDING 3/5 Select the image below that best demonstrates your teeth spacing. MILD SPACING MODERATE SPACING SEVERE SPACING 4/5 Select the image below that best demonstrates your bite. OVERBITE UNDERBITE CROSSBITE None of the above. I just want generally straighter teeth. 5/5 Provide your name and email to get your results. Your privacy is our utmost concern. Your name and email will not be shared with any third party. Name (required) Email (required) Phone (required)